Saturday 11 December 2010

CHINESE FUR-FARMS! (where your 'Faux' Fur really comes from)!

"Of all the creatures, man is the most detestable.

 Of the entire brood, he's the one that possesses malice.

He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.

 The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures;

 but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot." -Mark Twain

Ask the next person you see who is wearing a fur-coat, why they are wearing it? Most probably the answer will be because it is BEAUTIFUL! What is beautiful about wearing someone else's skin, because that's what it is! You wouldn't walk around wearing your dead mothers skin as a coat, would you? (Unless you are some seriously disturbed psychopath then maybe!)

In my eyes fur is UGLY unless worn by the 'natural' owner! Besides why the need to wear fur when there are so many fashionable alternatives out there? Are you so uncomfortable in your own skin that you need to wear someone else's?

It's not the idea of seeing a fur coat that is so disturbing, because it's just a coat like any other item of clothing. It is the massacre that is linked to that 'little life' before he was 'made' into a coat. The neglect, the torment, the unbearable physical pain, the loveless and cruel life of misery that these poor animals have been born in to. Such extreme cruelty doesn't deserve to remain hidden or secret. Life on fur-farms should be fully exposed to the public

Could you cope if you were denied everything you take for granted? How would you feel if you knew that your last few minutes in this cruel world would end in agony and torture. It's happening right now over and over again, and what for? So some posh cow can strutt about waiting for the next millionaire pimp to take notice of her, so that the high & mighty can show they really are above everyone else?
These poor dogs just wag their tails nervously, cowarding their little heads down and obeying these inhuman ##$£%$#, only then to recieve an unbearable beating until he is too weak to move, probably wondering to themselves what they have done wrong.
Sadly the worst hasn't come yet, these ~#/.'!!! then skin them whilst they're still ALIVE and fully conscious, sometimes they will put them into a tub of boiling water (to make their skin come off more easily)!!
What can they do? They have no one their to help them escape, they hopelessly await what is coming for them, the torture that happens to one animal is done in front of all the other cats & dogs who are looking through the bars in their cages scared out of their little minds. Their once little eyes are bulging out of their heads as they can only stare anxiously wondering 'What am I doing here?'
All desperatly hoping for a last minute miracle, wanting to be saved from this hellish nightmare in front of them before it reaches their 'turn'. One by one they each get what they don't deserve.
The people who wear fur don't consider the suffering these poor creatures go through and the horrid living circumstances they were put through before suffering out their final moments being tortured. As long as they look good! As long as they have the latest designer coat, cause that is sooo important right?

If someone treated a human being a fraction of the way these poor defencless babies were treated, they would get life in prison. Why is it one rule for one and not the other?

Love, warmth, a good home, a little TLC, isn't really much but it can make all the difference in the little world of these little creatures. They aren't greedy like humans, they wont ask you for the world, they love you unconditionally, they don't judge or criticize you. They are always there for you, even when you aren't there for them. Animals will always be better than people. Humans are cruel. They are the only living being who is capable of bringing evil into this world. Maybe it is because they don't carry human traits that makes them so special.